Aminet 25
Aminet 25 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1998].iso
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Text File
2,331 lines
; Sound Server for ADoom/ADoomPPC - by Joseph Fenton
; Server is LoadSeg'd by ADoom/ADoomPPC and called
; via entry points in the start of the segment.
; Entry Points:
; InitServer - open audio.device, allocate and lock channels,
; setup sound interrupt handler, and setup locals.
; Note: future Sound Servers may do other setups
; in order to do MIDI or use 16bit sound cards.
; returns 0 if okay, -1 otherwise.
; ExitServer - restores audio interrupt, cleanup audio,
; and frees any local memory.
; Sfx_SetVol - pass in the new sound effects volume in d0.
; Sfx_Start - pass in new sound effect to play. a0 = wave,
; d0 = cnum, d1 = pitch, d2 = vol, d3 = sep, d4 =
; length.
; Sfx_Update - pass in new settings for a sfx. a0 = data,
; d0 = cnum, d1 = pitch, d2 = vol, d3 = sep.
; Sfx_Stop - stop a playing sound effect. d0 = cnum.
; Sfx_Done - check if sound effect playing. d0 = cnum; returns
; d0 = 0 if not playing/current index if playing.
; Mus_SetVol - pass in the new music volume in d0.
; Mus_Register - pass in pointer to MUS data to register in
; a0. Returns handle in d0.
; Mus_Unregister - pass in handle to music to unregister in d0.
; Mus_Play - pass in handle to music to start playing in d0,
; pass the looping flag in d1.
; Mus_Stop - pass in handle to music to stop playing in d0.
; Mus_Pause - pass in handle to music to pause in d0.
; Mus_Resume - pass in handle to music to resume in d0.
; Mus_Done - return d0 = 0 if music not playing
_custom equ $DFF000
; include devpac:system.gs ; all includes/LVOs
include "exec/exec.i"
include "exec/funcdef.i"
include "exec/exec_lib.i"
include "dos/dos.i"
include "dos/dos_lib.i"
include "graphics/gfxbase.i"
include "devices/audio.i"
include "hardware/custom.i"
include "hardware/intbits.i"
include "hardware/dmabits.i"
jsr (_LVO\1,a6)
movea.l (_DOSBase,pc),a6
jsr (_LVO\1,a6)
output ADoom_SndSrvr
start jsr InitServer
; test music
lea MUSData,a0
jsr Mus_Register
moveq #0,d1 ; no looping
jsr Mus_Play
.l1 jsr Mus_Done
tst.l d0
bne.b .l1
moveq #1,d1 ; looping
jsr Mus_Play
move.l #500,d1
jsr Mus_Pause
move.l #500,d1
jsr Mus_Resume
move.l #500,d1
jsr Mus_Stop
jsr Mus_Unregister
; test sfx
lea MI_127,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l #11025,d1
moveq #127,d2
move.l #128,d3
move.l #4220,d4
jsr Sfx_Start
.l2 moveq #0,d0
jsr Sfx_Done
tst.l d0
bne.b .l2
lea MI_127,a0
moveq #1,d0
move.l #11025,d1
moveq #127,d2
move.l #0,d3
move.l #4220,d4
jsr Sfx_Start
.l3 moveq #1,d0
jsr Sfx_Done
tst.l d0
bne.b .l3
moveq #50,d1
lea MI_127,a0
moveq #0,d0
move.l #11025,d1
moveq #127,d2
move.l #255,d3
move.l #4220,d4
jsr Sfx_Start
.l4 moveq #0,d0
jsr Sfx_Done
tst.l d0
bne.b .l4
jsr ExitServer
moveq #0,d0
CNOP 0,16
MUSData ;incbin D_INTRO.MUS
incbin MUS/D_E1M2.MUS
MI_127 incbin mi_127
;incbin mp_1
Header moveq #0,d0
dc.l 'SSRV' ; 4 signature
bra.w InitServer ; 8
bra.w ExitServer ;12
bra.w Sfx_SetVol ;16
bra.w Sfx_Start ;20
bra.w Sfx_Update ;24
bra.w Sfx_Stop ;28
bra.w Sfx_Done ;32
bra.w Mus_SetVol ;36
bra.w Mus_Register ;40
bra.w Mus_Unregister ;44
bra.w Mus_Play ;48
bra.w Mus_Stop ;52
bra.w Mus_Pause ;56
bra.w Mus_Resume ;60
bra.w Mus_Done ;64
dc.b '$VER: ADoom/ADoomPPC Sound Server 1.0 (19.02.98)',0
dc.b 'This sound server uses the Amiga audio.device and',0
dc.b '11KHz samples; it supports full stereo panning on',0
dc.b 'sound effects and music. Up to 16 sound effects and',0
dc.b '16 channels of music can be palying at any time.',0
CNOP 0,16
InitServer movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
movea.l 4.w,a6
move.l a6,_ExecBase
moveq #0,d0
lea DOSName,a1
CALLSYS OpenLibrary
move.l d0,_DOSBase
beq .err ; couldn't open dos.library
moveq #39,d0
lea GfxName,a1
CALLSYS OpenLibrary
tst.l d0
beq.b .2 ; leave at default (NTSC)
move.l d0,a1
btst #REALLY_PALn,gb_DisplayFlags(a1)
beq.b .1 ; crystal is NTSC
move.w #322,period ; PAL sample rate
.1 CALLSYS CloseLibrary
.2 move.l #128*256,d0
move.l d0,LookupMem
beq .err0 ; no memory for vol_lookup
move.l d0,vol_lookup
movea.l d0,a0
moveq #0,d2
moveq #0,d1
.3 move.b d1,d3
ext.w d3
muls.w d2,d3
divs.w #127,d3 ; i*j/127
move.b d3,(a0)+
addq.b #1,d1
bne.b .3
addq.b #1,d2
cmpi.b #128,d2
bne.b .3
CALLSYS CreateMsgPort
move.l d0,AudioPort
beq .err1 ; couldn't create port
movea.l d0,a0
move.l #ioa_SIZEOF,d0
CALLSYS CreateIORequest
move.l d0,AudioIO
beq .err2 ; couldn't create io
movea.l d0,a1
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d1
lea AudioName,a0
CALLSYS OpenDevice
tst.l d0
bne .err3 ; couldn't open audio.device
movea.l AudioIO,a1
move.l #AudioAlloc,ioa_Data(a1)
move.l #1,ioa_Length(a1)
movea.l IO_DEVICE(a1),a6
movea.l _ExecBase,a6
tst.l d0
bne .err4 ; couldn't allocate channels
movea.l AudioIO,a1
lea _custom,a0
move.w #$0780,intena(a0) ; kill int enable
move.w #$0780,intreq(a0) ; kill request
move.w #$00FF,adkcon(a0) ; kill modulation
move.w #$000F,dmacon(a0) ; disable dma
move.l #ClearBuf,aud0(a0)
move.w #40,aud0+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud0+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud0+ac_vol(a0)
move.l #ClearBuf,aud1(a0)
move.w #40,aud1+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud1+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud1+ac_vol(a0)
move.l #ClearBuf,aud2(a0)
move.w #40,aud2+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud2+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud2+ac_vol(a0)
move.l #ClearBuf,aud3(a0)
move.w #40,aud3+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud3+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud3+ac_vol(a0)
moveq #INTB_AUD0,d0
lea AInt0,a1
CALLSYS SetIntVector
move.l d0,OldAInt0
move.l #QuietInst,Channel0
move.l #QuietInst,Channel1
move.l #QuietInst,Channel2
move.l #QuietInst,Channel3
move.l #QuietInst,Channel4
move.l #QuietInst,Channel5
move.l #QuietInst,Channel6
move.l #QuietInst,Channel7
move.l #QuietInst,Channel8
move.l #QuietInst,Channel9
move.l #QuietInst,Channel10
move.l #QuietInst,Channel11
move.l #QuietInst,Channel12
move.l #QuietInst,Channel13
move.l #QuietInst,Channel14
move.l #QuietInst,Channel15
clr.b mus_playing
clr.b mus_looping
clr.l MusDelay ; MusDelay = 0
clr.l VoiceAvail ; all voices available
lea _custom,a0
move.w #$8080,intena(a0) ; int enable
move.w #$800F,dmacon(a0) ; enable dma
bsr AudioINT0 ; start audio
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
moveq #0,d0 ; okay
.err4 movea.l AudioIO,a1
CALLSYS CloseDevice
.err3 movea.l AudioIO,a0
CALLSYS DeleteIORequest
.err2 movea.l AudioPort,a0
CALLSYS DeleteMsgPort
.err1 movea.l LookupMem,a1
.err0 movea.l _DOSBase,a1
CALLSYS CloseLibrary
.err movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
moveq #-1,d0 ; error
CNOP 0,16
ExitServer movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
lea _custom,a0
move.w #$0780,intena(a0) ; kill int enable
move.w #$0780,intreq(a0) ; kill request
move.w #$000F,dmacon(a0) ; dma off
moveq #INTB_AUD0,d0
movea.l OldAInt0,a1
movea.l _ExecBase,a6
CALLSYS SetIntVector
movea.l AudioIO,a1
move.b #IOF_QUICK,IO_FLAGS(a1)
movea.l IO_DEVICE(a1),a6
movea.l _ExecBase,a6
movea.l AudioIO,a1
CALLSYS CloseDevice
movea.l AudioIO,a0
CALLSYS DeleteIORequest
movea.l AudioPort,a0
CALLSYS DeleteMsgPort
movea.l LookupMem,a1
movea.l _DOSBase,a1
CALLSYS CloseLibrary
movem.l (a7)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
moveq #0,d0
CNOP 0,16
Sfx_SetVol move.w d0,sfx_volume
CNOP 0,16
Sfx_Start movem.l d0-d4/a0-a2,-(a7)
lea sfxVoiceTbl,a1
movea.l (a1,d0.w*4),a1
lea 8(a0),a0
subq.l #8,d4
move.l a0,vc_Wave(a1)
clr.l vc_Index(a1)
swap d1
clr.w d1
divu.l #11025,d1
move.l d1,vc_Step(a1)
clr.l vc_Loop(a1)
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,vc_Length(a1)
addq.w #1,d3 ; sep += 1
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; ltvol = vol - vol * (sep+1)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,vc_LtVol(a1)
subi.l #257,d3 ; sep -= 257
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; rtvol = vol - vol * (sep-257)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,vc_RtVol(a1)
move.b #$81,vc_Flags(a1)
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a2
CNOP 0,16
Sfx_Update movem.l d0-d4/a0-a2,-(a7)
lea sfxVoiceTbl,a1
movea.l (a1,d0.w*4),a1
swap d1
clr.w d1
divu.l #11025,d1
move.l d1,vc_Step(a1)
addq.w #1,d3 ; sep += 1
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; ltvol = vol - vol * (sep+1)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,vc_LtVol(a1)
subi.l #257,d3 ; sep -= 257
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; rtvol = vol - vol * (sep-257)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,vc_RtVol(a1)
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d4/a0-a2
CNOP 0,16
Sfx_Stop move.l a0,-(a7)
lea sfxVoiceTbl,a0
movea.l (a0,d0.w*4),a0
bclr #0,vc_Flags(a0)
movea.l (a7)+,a0
CNOP 0,16
Sfx_Done move.l a0,-(a7)
lea sfxVoiceTbl,a0
movea.l (a0,d0.w*4),a0
moveq #0,d0
btst #0,vc_Flags(a0)
beq.b .1 ; not playing
move.l vc_Index(a0),d0
addq.l #1,d0 ; for safety
.1 movea.l (a7)+,a0
CNOP 0,16
Mus_SetVol move.w d0,mus_volume
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Register movem.l d1-d7/a0-a6,-(sp)
bsr Mus_Unregister
move.l a0,MUSMemPtr
cmpi.l #$4D55531A,(a0) ; "MUS",26
bne .err0 ; not a mus file
move.l MUSMemPtr,MusPtr
bsr TestMUSFile
beq .err0
move.l InstrFile,d1
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
move.l d0,InstrHandle
beq .err0
move.l #MEMF_CLEAR,d0 ; any memory
move.l #65536,d1 ; puddle size
move.l #32768,d2 ; threshold size
bsr CreatePool
move.l a0,InstrPool
beq .err1
movea.l a0,a2
movea.l MusPtr,a3
move.w #255,d0
lea Instruments,a0
.setinstr move.l #QuietInst,(a0)+
dbra d0,.setinstr
move.w $C(a3),d4 ; instrCnt
ror.w #8,d4
subq.w #1,d4 ; for dbra
lea $10(a3),a3 ; instruments[]
.instrloop moveq #14,d0
movea.l a2,a0
bsr AllocPooled
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a3)+,d2 ; instrument #
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a3)+,d1 ; offset to next instr. #
adda.l d1,a3 ; skip it (whatever it is?)
lea Instruments,a0
move.l d0,(a0,d2.w*4)
beq .err2
movea.l d0,a4 ; instrument record
bftst (validInstr){d2:1}
beq .next ; no instrument
move.l InstrHandle,d1
lsl.l #2,d2
move.l InstrHandle,d1
move.l a4,d2
moveq #4,d3
CALLSYS Read ; get instrument offset
addq.l #1,d0
beq .err2 ; can't read file
move.l InstrHandle,d1
move.l (a4),d2
move.l InstrHandle,d1
move.l a4,d2
moveq #14,d3
CALLSYS Read ; get instrument header
addq.l #1,d0
beq .err2 ; can't read file
move.l in_Length(a4),d0
swap d0
movea.l a2,a0
bsr AllocPooled
move.l d0,in_Wave(a4) ; wave data buffer
beq .err2
move.l InstrHandle,d1
move.l d0,d2
move.l in_Length(a4),d3
swap d3
CALLDOS Read ; get instrument samples
addq.l #1,d0
beq .err2 ; can't read file
move.b #1,in_Flags(a4)
.next dbra d4,.instrloop
move.l InstrHandle,d1
clr.l InstrHandle
moveq #1,d0 ; return handle=1
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
.err2 movea.l InstrPool,a0
bsr DeletePool
clr.l InstrPool
.err1 move.l InstrHandle,d1
clr.l InstrHandle
.err0 moveq #0,d0 ; return handle=0
movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a6
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Unregister movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
bsr Mus_Stop
clr.l MUSMemPtr
clr.l MUSMemSize
tst.l InstrPool
beq.b .1
movea.l InstrPool,a0
bsr DeletePool
clr.l InstrPool
.1 movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Play move.b d1,mus_looping
move.b #2,mus_playing ; 2 = play from start
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Stop tst.b mus_playing
beq.b .2
st mus_playing ; -1 = stop playing
.1 tst.b mus_playing
bne.b .1
.2 move.l #QuietInst,Channel0
move.l #QuietInst,Channel1
move.l #QuietInst,Channel2
move.l #QuietInst,Channel3
move.l #QuietInst,Channel4
move.l #QuietInst,Channel5
move.l #QuietInst,Channel6
move.l #QuietInst,Channel7
move.l #QuietInst,Channel8
move.l #QuietInst,Channel9
move.l #QuietInst,Channel10
move.l #QuietInst,Channel11
move.l #QuietInst,Channel12
move.l #QuietInst,Channel13
move.l #QuietInst,Channel14
move.l #QuietInst,Channel15
clr.b Voice0+vc_Flags ; disable voices
clr.b Voice1+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice2+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice3+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice4+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice5+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice6+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice7+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice8+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice9+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice10+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice11+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice12+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice13+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice14+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice15+vc_Flags
clr.b mus_looping
clr.l MusDelay ; MusDelay = 0
clr.l VoiceAvail ; all voices available
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Pause clr.b mus_playing ; 0 = not playing
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Resume move.b #1,mus_playing ; 1 = play
CNOP 0,16
Mus_Done moveq #0,d0
move.b mus_playing,d0
CNOP 0,16
TestMUSFile movea.l MusPtr,a0
move.l MUSMemSize,d3 ; d3 = total file size
moveq #0,d0
move.w 4(a0),d0
beq .fail
ror.w #8,d0 ; score length
moveq #0,d1
move.w 6(a0),d1
ror.w #8,d1 ; score start
cmpi.w #18,d1 ; start < 18? (1 instr.)
blt .fail
add.l d1,d0 ; d0 = total size
; cmp.l d0,d3 ; = file size?
; bne .fail
move.l d0,d3
move.l d3,MUSMemSize
move.w 12(a0),d2
beq.b .fail
ror.w #8,d2 ; d2 = instr. count
subq.w #1,d2
lea 16(a0),a1 ; a1 = * instr. list
.loop addq.l #1,a1 ; skip instr. value
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a1)+,d0 ; d0 = offset to next instr.
adda.l d0,a1 ; skip info (?)
dbra d2,.loop ; next
move.l a1,d0 ; d0 = * data following list
sub.l a0,d0 ; - file start
cmp.l d0,d1 ; = start?
bne.b .fail
move.b -1(a0,d3.l),d0 ; get last byte
lsr.b #4,d0
cmpi.b #6,d0 ; last byte = $6x? (end)
bne.b .fail
moveq #1,d0 ; file okay
.fail moveq #0,d0 ; yikes!
cnop 0,16
AudioINT0 movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(a7)
move.l chip_offset,d0
add.l d0,chip_buffer ; switch buffers
neg.l d0
move.l d0,chip_offset
lea _custom,a0
move.w #$0780,intreq(a0) ; clear int requests
tst.b mus_playing
bgt.b .domus
beq.b .musoff
addq.b #1,mus_playing ; now off
.musoff move.l #ClearBuf,aud2(a0)
move.w #40,aud2+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud2+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud2+ac_vol(a0)
move.l #ClearBuf,aud3(a0)
move.w #40,aud3+ac_len(a0)
move.w period,aud3+ac_per(a0)
move.w #0,aud3+ac_vol(a0)
bra .dosfx
.domus cmpi.b #2,mus_playing
bne.b .musnxt
subq.b #1,mus_playing
movea.l MusPtr,a1
moveq #0,d1
move.w 6(a1),d1 ; score start
ror.w #8,d1
adda.l d1,a1 ; a1 = start
move.l a1,MusIndex ; store index
.musnxt subq.l #1,MusDelay
bpl.b .fillmus
bsr NextEvent
.fillmus lea Voice0,a0 ; music voices
movea.l chip_buffer,a2
bsr FillBuffer
lea _custom,a0
move.l chip_buffer,d0
move.l d0,aud2(a0) ; left mus
move.w #40,aud2+ac_len(a0) ; 80 samples
move.w period,aud2+ac_per(a0)
move.w mus_volume,aud2+ac_vol(a0)
addi.l #128,d0
move.l d0,aud3(a0) ; right mus
move.w #40,aud3+ac_len(a0) ; 80 samples
move.w period,aud3+ac_per(a0)
move.w mus_volume,aud3+ac_vol(a0)
.dosfx lea Voice16,a0 ; sound effect voices
movea.l chip_buffer,a2
lea 256(a2),a2
bsr FillBuffer
lea _custom,a0
move.l chip_buffer,d0
addi.l #256,d0
move.l d0,aud1(a0) ; left sfx
move.w #40,aud1+ac_len(a0) ; 80 samples
move.w period,aud1+ac_per(a0)
move.w sfx_volume,aud1+ac_vol(a0)
addi.l #128,d0
move.l d0,aud0(a0) ; right sfx
move.w #40,aud0+ac_len(a0) ; 80 samples
move.w period,aud0+ac_per(a0)
move.w sfx_volume,aud0+ac_vol(a0)
.exit movem.l (a7)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
moveq #0,d0
CNOP 0,16
FillBuffer movea.l a2,a4
lea tempAudio,a1
moveq #4,d0
.lcloop clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
dbra d0,.lcloop
lea tempAudio+128,a1
moveq #4,d0
.rcloop clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
clr.l (a1)+
dbra d0,.rcloop
bra.b .1stvoice
.next move.l vc_Next(a0),d0 ; next voice
bne.b .chkvoice
lea 128(a4),a2
lea tempAudio,a1
moveq #4,d0
.lmloop move.l (a1)+,(a4)+
move.l (a1)+,(a4)+
move.l (a1)+,(a4)+
move.l (a1)+,(a4)+
dbra d0,.lmloop
lea tempAudio+128,a1
moveq #4,d0
.rmloop move.l (a1)+,(a2)+
move.l (a1)+,(a2)+
move.l (a1)+,(a2)+
move.l (a1)+,(a2)+
dbra d0,.rmloop
.chkvoice movea.l d0,a0
.1stvoice btst #0,vc_Flags(a0)
beq.b .next ; not enabled
; do voice
btst #7,vc_Flags(a0)
bne .5 ; sfx
btst #1,vc_Flags(a0)
beq.b .1 ; not releasing
tst.l vc_LtVol(a0)
beq.b .0
subi.l #256,vc_LtVol(a0)
.0 tst.l vc_RtVol(a0)
beq.b .1
subi.l #256,vc_RtVol(a0)
.1 move.l vc_LtVol(a0),d6
move.l vc_RtVol(a0),d7
tst.l d6
bne.b .2 ; not off yet
tst.l d7
bne.b .2 ; not off yet
clr.b vc_Flags(a0) ; voice off
bra .next
.2 lea tempAudio,a1 ; left buffer
movea.l vol_lookup,a5
movem.l vc_Index(a0),d1-d4 ; index,step,loop,length
movea.l vc_Channel(a0),a3
move.l ch_Pitch(a3),d0
muls.l d0,d5:d2
move.w d5,d2
swap d2
add.l vc_Step(a0),d2 ; final sample rate
movea.l vc_Wave(a0),a3 ; sample data
moveq #79,d5 ; 80 samples
.floop move.l d1,d0
swap d0
move.b (a3,d0.w),d6 ; sample
move.b d6,d7
move.b (a5,d6.l),d6 ; convert
move.b (a5,d7.l),d7 ; convert
asr.b #2,d6
asr.b #2,d7
add.b d6,(a1)+ ; left sample
add.b d7,127(a1) ; right sample
add.l d2,d1
cmp.l d4,d1
blo.b .3
sub.l d4,d1
add.l d3,d1
tst.l d3
beq.b .4 ; no looping
.3 dbra d5,.floop
bra.b .done ; done with voice
; ran out of data
.4 clr.b vc_Flags(a0) ; voice off
.done move.l d1,vc_Index(a0)
bra .next
; do sfx voice
.5 move.l vc_LtVol(a0),d6
move.l vc_RtVol(a0),d7
lea tempAudio,a1 ; left buffer
movea.l vol_lookup,a5
movem.l vc_Index(a0),d1-d4 ; index,step,loop,length
move.l vc_Step(a0),d2 ; sample rate
lsr.l #8,d2
movea.l vc_Wave(a0),a3 ; sample data
moveq #79,d5 ; 80 samples
.sfloop move.l d1,d0
lsr.l #8,d0
move.b (a3,d0.l),d6 ; sample
move.b d6,d7
move.b (a5,d6.l),d6 ; convert
move.b (a5,d7.l),d7 ; convert
asr.b #1,d6
asr.b #1,d7
add.b d6,(a1)+ ; left sample
add.b d7,127(a1) ; right sample
add.l d2,d1
cmp.l d4,d1
bhs.b .4 ; ran out of data
dbra d5,.sfloop
bra .done ; done with voice
CNOP 0,16
NextEvent movea.l MusIndex,a1
.0 move.b (a1)+,d0 ; get next event
move.b d0,d1
lsr.b #3,d1
andi.w #$E,d1 ; d1 = event type * 2
lea EventTable,a0
move.w (a0,d1.w),d1
jsr (a0,d1.w) ; do event
tst.b d0
bpl.b .0 ; more events
moveq #0,d1 ; time = 0
.1 move.b (a1)+,d0 ; get byte
bpl.b .2
andi.w #$7F,d0 ; kill sign bit
or.b d0,d1 ; time = time + 7 bits
lsl.l #7,d1 ; * 128
bra.b .1 ; get next 7 bits
.2 or.b d0,d1 ; time = time + last 7 bits
subq.l #1,d1 ; delay = time - 1
bmi.b .0 ; (no delay)
move.l d1,MusDelay ; store delay
move.l a1,MusIndex ; store index
Release moveq #15,d1
and.b d0,d1 ; d1 = channel
lea Channels,a0
movea.l (a0,d1.w*4),a0 ; channel record
movea.l ch_Map(a0),a0 ; channel map
move.b (a1)+,d1 ; note #
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a0,d1.w),d2 ; voice #
beq.b .exit ; no mapping
clr.b (a0,d1.w) ; clear mapping
move.l VoiceAvail,d3
bclr d2,d3 ; voice free for use
move.l d3,VoiceAvail
lea Voices,a0
movea.l (a0,d2.w*4),a0 ; voice
bset #1,vc_Flags(a0) ; do release
.exit rts
PlayNote moveq #15,d1
and.b d0,d1 ; d1 = channel
lea Channels,a0
movea.l (a0,d1.w*4),a2 ; channel record
movea.l ch_Map(a2),a0 ; channel map
moveq #-1,d2 ; no volume change
move.b (a1)+,d1 ; note #
bclr #7,d1
beq.b .getvc ; no volume
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a1)+,d2 ; volume
.getvc moveq #0,d3
move.l VoiceAvail,d4
.vloop bset d3,d4
beq.b .foundfree
addq.b #1,d3
cmpi.b #16,d3
bne.b .vloop
; no free voices
.foundfree move.b d3,(a0,d1.w) ; voice mapping
move.l d4,VoiceAvail
lea Voices,a0
movea.l (a0,d3.w*4),a3 ; voice
tst.b d2
bmi.b .skip
; new channel volume
move.b d2,ch_Vol(a2)
moveq #0,d3
move.b ch_Pan(a2),d3
addq.w #1,d3 ; sep += 1
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; ltvol = vol - vol * (sep+1)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_LtVol(a2)
subi.l #257,d3 ; sep -= 257
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; rtvol = vol - vol * (sep-257)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_RtVol(a2)
.skip move.l ch_LtVol(a2),vc_LtVol(a3)
move.l ch_RtVol(a2),vc_RtVol(a3)
moveq #15,d2
and.b d0,d2
cmpi.b #15,d2
beq.b .percussion
move.l ch_Instr(a2),a4 ; instrument record
lea NoteTable,a0
moveq #72,d2 ; one octave above middle c
sub.b in_Base(a4),d2
add.b d1,d2
move.l (a0,d2.w*4),vc_Step(a3) ; step value for note
clr.l vc_Index(a3)
move.l a2,vc_Channel(a3) ; back link (for pitch wheel)
move.l in_Wave(a4),vc_Wave(a3)
move.l in_Loop(a4),vc_Loop(a3)
move.l in_Length(a4),vc_Length(a3)
move.b in_Flags(a4),vc_Flags(a3)
.exit rts
; for the percussion channel, the note played sets the percussion instrument
.percussion move.l #65536,vc_Step(a3) ; sample rate always 1.0
clr.l vc_Index(a3)
move.l a2,vc_Channel(a3) ; back link
addi.b #100,d1 ; percussion instruments
lea Instruments,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w*4),a0 ; instrument record
move.l in_Wave(a0),vc_Wave(a3)
move.l in_Loop(a0),vc_Loop(a3)
move.l in_Length(a0),vc_Length(a3)
move.b in_Flags(a0),vc_Flags(a3)
Pitch moveq #15,d1
and.b d0,d1 ; d1 = channel
lea Channels,a0
movea.l (a0,d1.w*4),a2 ; channel record
moveq #0,d1
move.b (a1)+,d1 ; pitch wheel setting
lea PitchTable,a0
move.l (a0,d1.w*4),ch_Pitch(a2)
Tempo addq.l #1,a1 ; skip value
ChangeCtrl moveq #15,d1
and.b d0,d1 ; d1 = channel
lea Channels,a0
movea.l (a0,d1.w*4),a2 ; channel
move.b (a1)+,d1 ; get controller
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a1)+,d2 ; value
tst.b d1
bne.b .1
; set channel instrument
lea Instruments,a0
move.l (a0,d2.w*4),ch_Instr(a2)
bne.b .0
move.l #QuietInst,ch_Instr(a2)
.0 rts
.1 cmpi.b #3,d1 ; volume?
bne.b .2
; set channel volume
move.b d2,ch_Vol(a2)
moveq #0,d3
move.b ch_Pan(a2),d3
addq.w #1,d3 ; sep += 1
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; ltvol = vol - vol * (sep+1)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_LtVol(a2)
subi.w #257,d3 ; sep -= 257
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; rtvol = vol - vol * (sep-257)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_RtVol(a2)
.2 cmpi.b #4,d1 ; pan?
bne.b .exit
; set channel pan
add.b d2,d2 ; pan -> sep
move.b d2,ch_Pan(a2)
move.b ch_Vol(a2),d2
moveq #0,d3
move.b ch_Pan(a2),d3
addq.w #1,d3 ; sep += 1
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; ltvol = vol - vol * (sep+1)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_LtVol(a2)
subi.w #257,d3 ; sep -= 257
move.w d2,d4
muls.w d3,d4
muls.w d3,d4
clr.w d4
swap d4
neg.w d4
add.w d2,d4 ; rtvol = vol - vol * (sep-257)^2 / 256^2
lsl.l #8,d4
move.l d4,ch_RtVol(a2)
.exit rts
NoEvent rts
EndScore tst.b mus_looping ; loop?
bne .loop
move.l #QuietInst,Channel0
move.l #QuietInst,Channel1
move.l #QuietInst,Channel2
move.l #QuietInst,Channel3
move.l #QuietInst,Channel4
move.l #QuietInst,Channel5
move.l #QuietInst,Channel6
move.l #QuietInst,Channel7
move.l #QuietInst,Channel8
move.l #QuietInst,Channel9
move.l #QuietInst,Channel10
move.l #QuietInst,Channel11
move.l #QuietInst,Channel12
move.l #QuietInst,Channel13
move.l #QuietInst,Channel14
move.l #QuietInst,Channel15
clr.b Voice0+vc_Flags ; disable voices
clr.b Voice1+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice2+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice3+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice4+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice5+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice6+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice7+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice8+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice9+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice10+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice11+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice12+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice13+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice14+vc_Flags
clr.b Voice15+vc_Flags
clr.l MusDelay ; MusDelay = 0
clr.l VoiceAvail ; all voices available
clr.b mus_playing
addq.l #4,a7 ; pop NextEvent
.loop movea.l MusPtr,a1
moveq #0,d1
move.w 6(a1),d1 ; score start
ror.w #8,d1
adda.l d1,a1 ; a1 = start
cnop 0,4
EventTable dc.w Release-EventTable
dc.w PlayNote-EventTable
dc.w Pitch-EventTable
dc.w Tempo-EventTable
dc.w ChangeCtrl-EventTable
dc.w NoEvent-EventTable
dc.w EndScore-EventTable
dc.w NoEvent-EventTable
cnop 0,4
CreatePool movea.l _ExecBase,a1
cmpi.w #39,LIB_VERSION(a1)
blt.b .nopools ; change to bra for debugging
move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l a1,a6
CALLSYS CreatePool
movea.l (sp)+,a6
.nopools movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
move.l d0,d4 ; memory attributes
move.l d1,d3 ; amount to allocate when low
move.l d2,d5 ; size of when not to use pool
exg.l d0,d1 ; swap flags and size
movea.l a1,a6
CALLSYS AllocMem ; get first block
movea.l d0,a0
tst.l d0
beq.b .exit ; no memory!
movem.l d3-d5,(a0) ; puddleSize, Flags,Threshold
clr.l 12(a0) ; no next block
lea 24(a0),a1 ; first free location here
move.l a1,16(a0)
subi.l #24,d3 ; for header info
move.l d3,20(a0) ; amount free in this block
.exit movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
cnop 0,4
DeletePool movea.l _ExecBase,a1
cmpi.w #39,LIB_VERSION(a1)
blt.b .nopools ; change to bra for debugging
move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l a1,a6
CALLSYS DeletePool
movea.l (sp)+,a6
.nopools movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,d2 ; first block
beq.b .exit ; safety check
movea.l a1,a6
.loop movea.l d2,a1 ; pointer to block
move.l (a1),d0 ; size of block
move.l 12(a1),d2 ; next block
tst.l d2
bne.b .loop
.exit movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
cnop 0,4
AllocPooled movea.l _ExecBase,a1
cmpi.w #39,LIB_VERSION(a1)
blt.b .nopools ; change to bra for debugging
move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l a1,a6
CALLSYS AllocPooled
movea.l (sp)+,a6
.nopools movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
move.l a0,d2
beq.b .exit ; safety check
addq.l #3,d0
andi.b #$FC,d0 ; long align size
movea.l a1,a6
cmp.l 8(a0),d0 ; check threshold
blt.b .chkpuddles ; allocate from puddles
addi.l #24,d0 ; for header
move.l d0,d3 ; save size
move.l 4(a0),d1 ; mem attrs
movea.l d0,a0
tst.l d0
beq.b .exit ; no memory
move.l d3,(a0) ; size of block
clr.l 20(a0) ; no free space in here
movea.l d2,a1 ; pool header
move.l 12(a1),d1
move.l a0,12(a1) ; splice in block
move.l d1,12(a0) ; relink next block
lea 24(a0),a0 ; skip over header
.exit move.l a0,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
cnop 0,4
.chkpuddles cmp.l 20(a0),d0 ; check free space
blt.b .gotspace
movea.l 12(a0),a0 ; next block
move.l a0,d1
bne.b .chkpuddles
; not enough free space in existing puddles, create another
move.l d0,d6 ; save size
movea.l d2,a0 ; pool header
movem.l (a0),d3-d5
movem.l (a0),d0-d1
CALLSYS AllocMem ; get block
movea.l d0,a0
tst.l d0
beq.b .out ; no memory!
movea.l d2,a1 ; pool header
movem.l d3-d5,(a0) ; puddleSize, Flags,Threshold
move.l 12(a1),12(a0) ; next block
move.l a0,12(a1) ; splice in block
lea 24(a0),a1 ; first free location here
move.l a1,16(a0)
subi.l #24,d3 ; for header info
move.l d3,20(a0) ; amount free in this block
move.l d6,d0 ; restore size
.gotspace sub.l d0,20(a0) ; sub from amount free
bmi.b .err ; threshold >= puddlesize!
move.l 16(a0),a1 ; free space
add.l d0,16(a0) ; next free space
movea.l a1,a0
bra.b .out
.err add.l d0,20(a0) ; restore free space
moveq #0,d0
suba.l a0,a0 ; no memory
.out move.l a0,d0
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
cnop 0,4
MUSMemPtr dc.l 0
MUSMemSize dc.l 0
_ExecBase dc.l 0
_DOSBase dc.l 0
LookupMem dc.l 0
vol_lookup dc.l 0
period dc.w 325 ; NTSC 11025 KHz
sfx_volume dc.w 64
mus_volume dc.w 64
mus_playing dc.b 0
mus_looping dc.b 0
cnop 0,4
AudioPort dc.l 0
AudioIO dc.l 0
AInt0 dc.l 0,0
dc.l AIntName ; LN_NAME
dc.l 0 ; IS_DATA
dc.l AudioINT0 ; IS_CODE
MusPtr dc.l 0
MusIndex dc.l 0
MusDelay dc.l 0
OldAInt0 dc.l 0
AudioAlloc dc.b $0F ; Amiga channels to allocate
GfxName dc.b 'graphics.library',0
DOSName dc.b 'dos.library',0
AudioName dc.b 'audio.device',0
AIntName dc.b 'ADoom Sound Server',0
CNOP 0,4
; bit set if voice is in use (0-15=music voices,16-31=sfx voices)
VoiceAvail dc.l 0
chip_buffer dc.l chipBuffer
chip_offset dc.l 512
CNOP 0,4
NoteTable dc.l 65536/64,69433/64,73562/64,77936/64,82570/64,87480/64,92682/64,98193/64,104032/64,110218/64,116772/64,123715/64
dc.l 65536/32,69433/32,73562/32,77936/32,82570/32,87480/32,92682/32,98193/32,104032/32,110218/32,116772/32,123715/32
dc.l 65536/16,69433/16,73562/16,77936/16,82570/16,87480/16,92682/16,98193/16,104032/16,110218/16,116772/16,123715/16
dc.l 65536/8,69433/8,73562/8,77936/8,82570/8,87480/8,92682/8,98193/8,104032/8,110218/8,116772/8,123715/8
dc.l 65536/4,69433/4,73562/4,77936/4,82570/4,87480/4,92682/4,98193/4,104032/4,110218/4,116772/4,123715/4
dc.l 65536/2,69433/2,73562/2,77936/2,82570/2,87480/2,92682/2,98193/2,104032/2,110218/2,116772/2,123715/2
dc.l 65536,69433,73562,77936,82570,87480,92682,98193,104032,110218,116772,123715
dc.l 65536*2,69433*2,73562*2,77936*2,82570*2,87480*2,92682*2,98193*2,104032*2,110218*2,116772*2,123715*2
dc.l 65536*4,69433*4,73562*4,77936*4,82570*4,87480*4,92682*4,98193*4,104032*4,110218*4,116772*4,123715*4
dc.l 65536*8,69433*8,73562*8,77936*8,82570*8,87480*8,92682*8,98193*8,104032*8,110218*8,116772*8,123715*8
dc.l 65536*16,69433*16,73562*16,77936*16,82570*16,87480*16,92682*16,98193*16
pitch_ix SET 128
REPT 128
dc.l -3678*pitch_ix/64
pitch_ix SET pitch_ix-1
REPT 128
dc.l 3897*pitch_ix/64
pitch_ix SET pitch_ix+1
STRUCTURE MusChannel,0
APTR ch_Instr
APTR ch_Map
ULONG ch_Pitch
APTR ch_LtVol
APTR ch_RtVol
BYTE ch_Vol
BYTE ch_Pan
CNOP 0,4
Channels dc.l Channel0,Channel1,Channel2,Channel3
dc.l Channel4,Channel5,Channel6,Channel7
dc.l Channel8,Channel9,Channel10,Channel11
dc.l Channel12,Channel13,Channel14,Channel15
CNOP 0,4
Channel0 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel0Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel1 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel1Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel2 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel2Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel3 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel3Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel4 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel4Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel5 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel5Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel6 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel6Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel7 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel7Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel8 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel8Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel9 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel9Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel10 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel10Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel11 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel11Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel12 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel12Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel13 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel13Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel14 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel14Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel15 dc.l 0 ; instrument
dc.l Channel15Map ; note to voice map
dc.l 0 ; pitch wheel setting
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; volume
dc.b 0 ; pan setting
CNOP 0,4
Channel0Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel1Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel2Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel3Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel4Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel5Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel6Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel7Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel8Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel9Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel10Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel11Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel12Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel13Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel14Map dcb.b 128,0
Channel15Map dcb.b 128,0
STRUCTURE AudioVoice,0
APTR vc_Next
APTR vc_Channel
APTR vc_Wave
ULONG vc_Index
ULONG vc_Step
ULONG vc_Loop
ULONG vc_Length
APTR vc_LtVol
APTR vc_RtVol
BYTE vc_Flags ; b7 = SFX, b1 = RLS, b0 = EN
CNOP 0,4
Voices dc.l Voice0,Voice1,Voice2,Voice3
dc.l Voice4,Voice5,Voice6,Voice7
dc.l Voice8,Voice9,Voice10,Voice11
dc.l Voice12,Voice13,Voice14,Voice15
sfxVoiceTbl dc.l Voice16,Voice17,Voice18,Voice19
dc.l Voice20,Voice21,Voice22,Voice23
dc.l Voice24,Voice25,Voice26,Voice27
dc.l Voice28,Voice29,Voice30,Voice31
; Music Voices
CNOP 0,4
Voice0 dc.l Voice1
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice1 dc.l Voice2
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice2 dc.l Voice3
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice3 dc.l Voice4
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice4 dc.l Voice5
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice5 dc.l Voice6
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice6 dc.l Voice7
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice7 dc.l Voice8
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice8 dc.l Voice9
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice9 dc.l Voice10
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice10 dc.l Voice11
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice11 dc.l Voice12
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice12 dc.l Voice13
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice13 dc.l Voice14
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice14 dc.l Voice15
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice15 dc.l 0
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
; Sound Effect Voices
CNOP 0,4
Voice16 dc.l Voice17
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice17 dc.l Voice18
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice18 dc.l Voice19
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice19 dc.l Voice20
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice20 dc.l Voice21
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice21 dc.l Voice22
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice22 dc.l Voice23
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice23 dc.l Voice24
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice24 dc.l Voice25
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice25 dc.l Voice26
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice26 dc.l Voice27
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice27 dc.l Voice28
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice28 dc.l Voice29
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice29 dc.l Voice30
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice30 dc.l Voice31
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
CNOP 0,4
Voice31 dc.l 0
dc.l 0 ; channel back-link
dc.l 0 ; instrument wave data
dc.l 0 ; sample index
dc.l 0 ; sample rate
dc.l 0 ; instrument loop point
dc.l 0 ; instrument data length
dc.l 0 ; left volume table
dc.l 0 ; right volume table
dc.b 0 ; voice flags
STRUCTURE InstrumentRec,0
APTR in_Wave
ULONG in_Loop
ULONG in_Length
BYTE in_Flags
BYTE in_Base
CNOP 0,4
Instruments dcb.l 256,0
CNOP 0,4
QuietInst dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.l 0
dc.b 0
dc.b 0
CNOP 0,4
InstrHandle dc.l 0
InstrFile dc.l InstrName
InstrPool dc.l 0
InstrName dc.b 'MIDI_Instruments',0
CNOP 0,4
validInstr dc.b %11111111 ; (00-07) Piano
dc.b %11111111 ; (08-0F) Chrom Perc
dc.b %11111111 ; (10-17) Organ
dc.b %11111111 ; (18-1F) Guitar
dc.b %11111111 ; (20-27) Bass
dc.b %11111111 ; (28-2F) Strings
dc.b %11111111 ; (30-37) Ensemble
dc.b %11111111 ; (38-3F) Brass
dc.b %11111111 ; (40-47) Reed
dc.b %11111111 ; (48-4F) Pipe
dc.b %11111111 ; (50-57) Synth Lead
dc.b %11111111 ; (58-5F) Synth Pad
dc.b %11111111 ; (60-67) Synth Effects
dc.b %11111111 ; (68-6F) Ethnic
dc.b %11111111 ; (70-77) Percussive
dc.b %11111111 ; (78-7F) SFX
dc.b %00000001 ; (80-87) invalid,Drum
dc.b %11111111 ; (88-8F) Drums/Clap/Hi-Hat
dc.b %11111111 ; (90-97) Hi-Hats/Toms/Cymb1
dc.b %11111111 ; (98-9F) Cymbals/Bells/Slap
dc.b %11111111 ; (A0-A7) Bongos/Congas/Timb
dc.b %11111111 ; (A8-AF) Agogo/Whistles/Gui
dc.b %11111100 ; (B0-B7) Claves/Block/Trian
dc.b %00000000 ; (B8-BF) invalid
dc.b %00000000 ; (C0-C7)
dc.b %00000000 ; (C8-CF)
dc.b %00000000 ; (D0-D7)
dc.b %00000000 ; (D8-DF)
dc.b %00000000 ; (E0-E7)
dc.b %00000000 ; (E8-EF)
dc.b %00000000 ; (F0-F7)
dc.b %00000000 ; (F8-FF)
section PlayMusChip,data_c
chipBuffer dcb.b 1024,0
ClearBuf dcb.b 160,0
section PlayMusBSS,bss
tempAudio ds.b 256